About visAvis
visAvis is a magazine on asylum and migration, the movement of people across borders and the challenges connected to this. We work to improve the debate on asylum and migration, among other things by publishing texts that people seeking asylum want to share. visAvis is an activist project where people with and without citizenship in Denmark meet to create an alternative public space and debate. visAvis is also a web magazine, which you are currently reading.
Background of visAvis
visAvis is produced by people with or without citizenship living in Denmark. From our point of view the policies regarding migration and asylum are repressive. People seeking refuge are made suspect and migrants are made illegal. The asylum process has become almost impossible, life in the camps close to unbearable. This has serious, literally fatal, consequences for the individual persons. And for society as a whole this presents serious problems. The rule of law is being undermined and the public debate is loosing its nuance. In this precarious situation we wish to raise the level of debate, enhance the quality of information, and create a space where it is possible for people seeking asylum to express what is on their mind.