BY THE EDITORS • ILLUSTRATION BY ANDREA GAIDANO • NOVEMBER 2022 Standing on one leg is no way to live, but it is a skill. There are those with a firm piece of this Earth on…
Tagged By art
Recommendation: Uledsaget
BY VIBEKE NIELSEN • 2018 Uledsaget (Unaccompanied) is a comic book anthology about taking flight, and about life as an unaccompanied young refugee in Denmark. The anthology is the outcome of a collaboration between unaccompanied…
visAvis exhibits at Danske Grafikeres Hus
We are holding an exhibition at Danske Grafikeres Hus (the Danish Graphic Artists’ House), at Sølvgade 14 in Copenhagen! Come to the opening on the 4th of August from 6pm-8pm, or stop by the exhibition…
visAvis #12: Recommendations
John Steinbeck: Grapes of Wrath Novel, 1939 I would like to share what is in my opinion one of the most significant books on the migration theme: Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. This is…
A burning taste of exile
Recommendation: Warsan Shire: Teaching My Mother How To Give Birth. Poems. flipped eye publishing 2011 By Lise Olivarius The first words of Warsan Shire’s collection of poems read: “I have my mother’s mouth and my…
Language is a soft and delicate piece of cloth in which every mother wraps her child
How is it possible to leave ones language and start over? When Jila Mossaed came to Sweden in 1986 she had published two novels and five collections of poetry in Farsi. In the following pages…
‘Alto Deportaciones’ by Santiago Armengod
“Stop Deportations of Migrants – We all have rights, with or without papers.” Poster from the Migration Now portfolio by Santiago Armengod from Justseeds Artists’ Coorperative. For more information see: and
‘Staying Power’ by Mary Tremonte
“Staying Power – immigrants form families and plant roots in our communities …” Poster from the Migration Now portfolio by Mary Tremonte from Justseeds Artists’ Coorperative. For more information see: and
‘Lend Your Humanity’ by Thea Gahr
“Lend your humanity – free movement for the people of the World.” Poster from the Migration Now portfolio by Thea Gahr from Justseeds Artists’ Coorperative. For more information see: and
Interview With Mohammad Shoja Tajik
Interview With Mohammad Shoja Tajik, An Afghan Artist by Rasmus Brink Pedersen • Photo by amorn bunsri We are sitting in Mohammad Shoja Tajik’s room, in a container behind the former psychiatric hospital, which is…