BY SHAHLÂ • ILLUSTRATION BY MARÍA MEIGA • MARCH 2021 Hello, I am Shahlâ from Danish Kurdistan. Ever since I can remember (but also before me), the Kurds have lived on the borders and in deprivation.…

BY SHAHLÂ • ILLUSTRATION BY MARÍA MEIGA • MARCH 2021 Hello, I am Shahlâ from Danish Kurdistan. Ever since I can remember (but also before me), the Kurds have lived on the borders and in deprivation.…
BY SHAHLÂ • ENGLISH TRANSLATION BY AFRA FEKRI • ILLUSTRATION BY MARÍA MEIGA • MARCH 2021 Greetings to you, dear people and governors. I have a question: do you really want to protect your country? Do…
BY WORKSHOP PARTICIPANTS • OCTOBER 2020 The residents of Deportation Center Avnstrup joined our voices together to create a list of eight problems and demands that express why we choose to strike and protest the…
“My life’s place” is a project by Babak Inanlou with photos from the former refugee camp in Calais, France. The photos were taken in the beginning of 2016 before the camp was demolished by French…
“Home for many people is something tangible; home for us is a dream. Home for you is a reality; home for me is a wish. Home for you is existence; home for me is a…
Drawings by Paula Bulling • Text by Borderspace(s) • 2016
Vasilika camp is situated outside of Thessaloniki, in the northern part of Greece. As a part of the European system for dehumanising refugees, the camp is strategically located in a remote and deserted landscape, far…
af visAvis · Billeder af Nanna Katrine Hansen I dag påbegynder 18 afviste syriske asylansøgere deres fjerde dag på sultestrejke. Sultestrejken er en reaktion på deres tilværelse i asylsystemet, hvor de nu er tvunget til at…
Here we bring the story about an abused female asylum seeker. The article was brought on the Italian page »migranda« on the international day against violence against women. By Migranda, Associazione Trama di Terre Adama…