In this text, Ali Ali takes a critical look at the refugee and migrant community centre Trampoline House and shows how even a visionary project with the best intentions reproduces a power hierarchy with the…

In this text, Ali Ali takes a critical look at the refugee and migrant community centre Trampoline House and shows how even a visionary project with the best intentions reproduces a power hierarchy with the…
BY LISELOT KATTEMÖLLE • ILLUSTRATIONS BY FATIMA MOALLIM FROM FLYKTINGLANDET, FLYKTINGLANDET.TUMBLR.COM “A woman is like a flower and a man is like her roots.” Aisha unfolds her hands and moves a little forward towards the…
Each Monday, women with and without Danish citizenship meet in the user-driven culture house, The Trampoline House, to discuss women’s conditions and strategies for survival across the globe. On Monday the 3rd of June 2013,…
by Khatera Khakar “Targeted violence against female public officials, dismal healthcare and desperate poverty make Afghanistan the world’s most dangerous country in which to be born a woman, a new global survey shows.” – The…
Here we bring the story about an abused female asylum seeker. The article was brought on the Italian page »migranda« on the international day against violence against women. By Migranda, Associazione Trama di Terre Adama…